Strategic Goals
Our Customers are the reason and the source of our business. It is our joint aim with our dealers to ensure that the customers enjoy the highest level of satisfaction from use of Honda motorcycles.
To ensure that our products and services meet the set standards of excellence.
Local Manufacturing
To be the industry leader in indigenization of motorcycle parts.
To develop and maintain distinct business advantages through continuous induction of improved hard and soft technologies.
To ensure health and viability of business and thus safeguarding shareholders’ interest by maximizing profit. Payment of regular satisfactory dividends and adding value to the shares.
To enhance and continuously update each member’s capabilities and education and to provide an environment which encourages practical expression of the individual potential in goal directed team efforts and compensate them attractively according to their abilities and performance.
Corporate Citizen
To comply with all Government laws, rules and regulations and to maintain a high standard of ethics in all operations and to act as a responsible member of the society.
Quality Policy
- Commitment to provide high quality motorcycles & parts.
- Right work in first attempt and on time.
- Maintain and continuously improve quality.
- Training of manpower and acquisition of latest technology.
- Safe, clean and healthy environment.
- Market leadership and prosperity for all.